About us

revancedapp.io is a dedicated APK redistribution site committed to providing users with information and installation guides for some of the most popular ReVanced apps. We understand that the ReVanced official team strictly prohibits APK redistribution. However, we have taken it upon ourselves to offer this service, driven by our passion for providing users with easy and accessible ways to install ReVanced apps on their Android devices.

Behind revancedapp.io are a group of enthusiastic individuals who share a common goal – to simplify the installation process of ReVanced apps for Android users. Our team is committed to creating easy-to-follow guides and providing essential information to enhance users’ experiences with ReVanced applications.

It’s important to note that revancedapp.io is not an official site of ReVanced. For official and updated information about ReVanced apps, we encourage users to visit the official sources at github.com/revanced and revanced.app. We believe in transparency and the importance of referring to the official platforms for the most accurate and reliable information.

Thank you for visiting revancedapp.io. We hope our guides and resources prove helpful in your ReVanced app installation journey. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.